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  • Regarding the Press Release About our Business Activities

Regarding the Press Release About our Business Activities

On the website of AskPro Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as 'Company A'), a press release titled 'Please be Cautious of Solicitation Calls Falsely Claiming Affiliation with our Company' is posted at the following URL:


In this press release, there is a statement claiming a partnership between our company and Company A, and describing receiving solicitation calls. However, there is no partnership between our company and Company A, to the best of our knowledge. As far as our company is aware, there is no factual basis for the solicitation activities mentioned in this press release by Company A.


We have established a manual for sales activities and prohibit the use of false facts or misleading expressions when soliciting customers. We have an internal check system for solicitation methods and strive to ensure appropriate sales activities by conducting constant checks and holding periodic training sessions.


In response to this press release, we conducted an internal investigation to confirm whether or not there were any solicitation calls as described in this press release. As a result, we have not found any such calls as described above within the scope of our investigation.


We will continue to ensure compliance with laws and regulations and adhere to ethical and appropriate business activities.